Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

My Precious Sample

4 big boxes...
Full of water samples and several kinds of sediment and also biota...
Huft.....so tough...I ask to myself…can I do that ?? Can I finish it with good result..??

I cannot ask those kind of question to myself...
I should command myself to do my best..!!
NO FAULT..!!! For analyzing sample..!!
'very expensive' samples..
not easy to got these samples from that field....

Learn from the best...
Practice in good way...
Study hard. Read journal a lot to gain as many information to support..!!!

Whenever I felt down, and lack of spirit..!!Fallen in to laziness...
I should remain myself, recall the memories....
How my senior struggling hard to get the samples...
..He stayed in the ship almost 1 month, and he drove by himself just for load the samples from the ship to our lab...
My professor kindly smile...
..How she smiling at me, when my senior told us that he got more than 100g of sediment sample...
"What do u want to do with your sediment, would u cook it??°˚˚°ђãђã°˚˚°ђãђã™... "
Dr.Ju kindly help...
..He gave me the biota samples. Some important sediment...
Brother Rahman..
..He carried the box from the ship to the car; he helped us a lot regarding my mistake in the ship...

I Should DO my BEST..!!!

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