Blackberryku yang sudah beralih fungsi jadi jam beker berbunyi keras, seakan dia teriak "haluuu..haluuuu...its already 5.30 AM..wake UP please..!! Entah kenapa, badan terasa ringan untuk digerakkan, mata juga tak berat untuk dibuka..
i was waking up immediatly after its rang...
i was waking up immediatly after its rang...
Cek email, melipat selimut dan mengambil handuk plus perlengkapan mandi...~women toilet in student female dormitory GIST wing#1, 2d floor~sepi~...belum ada manusia terbangun...wudhu air es dengan korean style..(wudhu di westafel..hihihi)..dan sholat...masih pukul 6 lebih sedikit, kutancap gas menuju shower room. dalam beberapa menit. finished..!!! Tanpa ribet dan ruwet langsung kubersiap untuk berangkat...kupakai kaos tertebal yang kupunya, kudobeli baju rajut, ditambah jaket parasit paling tebal yang pernah kupunya saat aq masih di Indonesia, masih kutambah dengan jaket rajut coat panjang anti salju en air...dan total...4 jaket kukenakan, tepat pukul 8.15 keluar asrama, melawan udara dinging, berjalan menuju environmental department, room#105, Trace metal biogeochemistry office...
I open the door, i though there no one in the room...but there Hyun-ji onni in her desk...seriuously made her arms dancing above the computer keyboard...then i say "hai onni, good morning..."....
I put everythings in my desk...I saw the clock, and its almost 9 o’clock...i was waiting for seyong oppah...we wanna investigate our previous sampling site in Yeonsang lake, Mokpo...that’s the reason why i prepare my self, covering my body more than 2 jacket...,based on my previous sampling experience, its end of fall season, its was strong wind,even i cannot seems my body would be blow up by the, i don’t wanna use wrong costums this time..
I put everythings in my desk...I saw the clock, and its almost 9 o’clock...i was waiting for seyong oppah...we wanna investigate our previous sampling site in Yeonsang lake, Mokpo...that’s the reason why i prepare my self, covering my body more than 2 jacket...,based on my previous sampling experience, its end of fall season, its was strong wind,even i cannot seems my body would be blow up by the, i don’t wanna use wrong costums this time..
9:15 AM…
I was waiting for seyong oppa in the office, but he were not coming yet…I decide to go outside just to check…dan aq melihat seyong oppa keluar dari administration building, membawa surat – surat yang entah apa itu…dan setelah beberapa saat. Mobil semacam SEdan, berwarna silver manis...sudah terparkir di depan gedung department….
I was waiting for seyong oppa in the office, but he were not coming yet…I decide to go outside just to check…dan aq melihat seyong oppa keluar dari administration building, membawa surat – surat yang entah apa itu…dan setelah beberapa saat. Mobil semacam SEdan, berwarna silver manis...sudah terparkir di depan gedung department….
- Seyong oppa : indah, sorry I took long time, I processed the document for the car
- Me : it’s okay…
(deng dong..ternyata document yang dy bawa tadi dokumen pinjam mobil buat sampling…)..u know what’s on my mind…”that’s great….!!! Di GIST semua hal yang berkenaan dengan research difasilitasi dengan sangat mudah…bahkan hanya untuk mengambil sampel saja, tuh mobil dipinjemi dengan Cuma2”…..dan masih seputar mobil pinjeman,,tentang pengisian gasoline di korea…Indonesia en korea sama2 punya Pom bensin yang bentuknya hampir serupa, tapi di korea si driver dimanjakan saat mengisi bensin, tak perlu turun dari mobil dan tinggal ngasih kartu kredit buat bayar en kartu member buat isi point..
INFO : harga gasoline premium (pertamax) di korea 1850/liter, untuk bensin biasa 1680/liter dan untuk solar 1425/liter ~dalam rupiah, x8....Dalam perjalanan seyong oppa, berkali – kali berdecak bingung. Katanya tak terbiasa dengan GPS yg terpasang di mobil itu, katanya GPSnya ga update, jadi lewat jalan2 yang ga biasa dilalui…
- Me : if you confused to seeing this GPS, just tun it off…
- Seyong oppa : I don’t know how to reach Mokpo without GPS, I was driving only based on this GPS, even this GPS shows strange way, I just follow…
- Me : deng dong....(jare bingung tapi klo ga pake GPS ga tau jalannya…gimana sih nie orang)
si oppa seneng banget waktu liat tulisan “Mokpo”, he said “finally I saw that….we go to the right way..i though this GPS doesn’t work well”….
Lama perjalanan sekitar satu jam….
Akhirnya sampai didaerah ‘ndeso’ yang kami sebut ‘country side’, di daerah itu, kita mau nyari jembatan yang dekat dengan titik pengabilan sample kita dulu….bermodal print2an peta dari google, dan GPS di mobil….kita berputar2…dan belok kiri..belok kanan…maju sedikit…akhirnya nemu tuh jembatannya….
- Seyong oppa: you can see that…??? That is the bridge…lets find the way how to go there.
- Me : we can park the car here, en walk to the bridge
- Seyong oppa : I think its pretty far, it’s not really good idea in this season, u know sooooo cool outside..well…lets checking around near the boats, I park the car here…………………………………oh noooo….i don’t like dog….lets park to other place (banyak banget anjing dsitu, gedhe2 pula….tapi ada yg kecil, so cute..warnanya putih abu2..sooo cute..)
Deket port kecil itu kita ketemu ama beberapa ikan terapung alias mati….en you know what seyong oppa said……
- Seyong oppa : haaaah…fish…!!i need fish…. I can analyze accumulation of mercury from the fish (ini orang…duasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr..!!!! otaknya analisa teruussssss…!!!!)
~near the bridge of sampling site~
~death fishs~
We try to found the way to reach the bridge…
dan....****taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…..****** ”the bridge is under construction”…..well…kita ga nyerah, kamii turun dai mobil dan mencari yang namanya ‘construction manager’, setelah toleh kiri dan kanan.. akhirnya nemu orang untuk ditanyai….(dan saya roaming mode on - *ga ngerti bahasa korea..:D)
11.49 PM….
- Seyong oppa : Wow…its almost lunch time, I don’t wanna late to graduation ceremony..we should hurry…!!
- Me : okay…so, we can have lunch near GIST…
REncananya sih, ke pusat kota mokpo, makan “haemul” alias seafood…..tapiii..dan akhirnya….kita makan burger seafood di lotteria…lotte super deket GIST…*NGGGONNDOOOG…!!!
in the afternoon....
we ready to Graduatinon ceremony~
(two of our lab members graduate this day)
~GRaduatin Ceremony of Hyung-Ji Onni and Ji Hi Onni~
5 komentar:
not too gud writing style....*just enjoy the story and ignore its pronounciation~LoL
it's very good story Ndah, i enjoy when read this....^^
Udh pulang dg selamat kan.....ntr makan hemulnya belakang lotte super aj on weekend bareng kami klo mau....:)
akhirnya...hemul belakang lotte super....
weekend kapan nie mbaak...
hayuk ajjah..
*tapi tadi udah makan hemul ama paralabmates
(hemul nya isinya shrimp doank...kikikikik)...^_^
annyong chingu hehe.. mampir ke blogku y. goamwo
link nyaa dunnnkkkkkk....
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