Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

~DEsember 2009~

Hellow world..comeback again with me en another bongolz trip..

Hmm..d’last week en on d’last  month 2009,

A christmast day had left,I just woken up en open my eyes from my sort-term sleeping (I had closed my eyes on 4 o’clock).., I stared to the big black spherical watch hanging on analitycal laboratory wall,,its 7 o’clock…
"oh dear…I’ll be late, I’d an important appointment today"..
It was bongolz trip…

I was staring down on my beloved APS compactly set with the computer, RGB colorimeter equiped with d’detector…(from d’deepest of my heart – I do really really love those instrument)…its indicator lamp indicate that I havent turn it off..

(still) in lazy mode I turn off all those instruments en told to my sleepingmate (freak term ini..!!) “Let it took a rest though just a while”,en of course she directly agree with me..

Saturday,26 desember 2009..
its weekend..suppose for silent week (waakakakkak,other freak term.silent week=pekan sunyi)..the internet conection speed’s seems like a toll road..tidak ada hambatan..!!!! en I made used of this moment to get everything I want to get..donLot..DonLot…!!!

my mobile rang,”1 massage received from nino.bongolz”.
I pushed the open button then read, “ in, jadi berapa yang dateng”.en bla bla bla..
Another massage received,I read in my inbox list.




(cute nick,right.!), most of them write almost the same things, “sido jam piro??”

Then, my mobile rang in differ tone, “Steve.Bongolz Calling”, 
he also ask me, “jam piro ndah – jam3”, 
he ask en apologiz to me that he couldnt come on time, he intended to come though its quite late.. (I do really appreciate u dear, I know u really wanna came, u shouldn’t ask an opologiz like that)…

Its 9 o’clock

Oh nooooooooo….

Suddently, I remember somethin,,,hahah…I’ve to do this..then this..en fact I’ve many thing to fix..huaaaaaaaaaaa..huuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….en parahnya tanggal 27 pagi I’ve to stay on my beloved laboratory again…
But, an excited things in my hometown has watin for me…I’d to go home..!!!

Its  11 o’clock... 
I packed my properties, en ready to go home…
I left Malang passionately..
I reallize, I would be very tired…riwa riwi malang- bangil…
In my mind, I wondering many things bout bongolz crazy things… would be really excited..!!!!couldnt wait fot it..!!!!

Kale ni,bongolz trip kagak travel kmn2,just stay@nino house dg tema kegiatan bakar - bakar..menari...Haha..simple theme, but I’m sure it would be very impresive…

Its 1 o’clock...
I arrived home en of course I felt tired after riding my motorcycle more than 32 km..(lebay ini)..i was lying on my bed, en I just closed my eyes  rapidly, not more than 5 minutes…

Its almost 3 o’clock..
My mobile vibrated and it was successfully woken me up..
”1 new massage receive from MbuTiL”..
I read it, but I wasn’t intend to reply it, just follow the instructon on d’massage 
“ndah, susulen aku”..
I was ready to go ,not more than 30 minutes, but I was late almost an hour..

“ndah, jam piro iki…!!!” – (di dalam hati) – yoyo aku telat..
“Q msh drmh Mbumbut” – (ngeLEs) – maunya tak tambai 
“en aku santai2 disini, ngobrol..nggosiiiiippp”…haha..

My Mobile Vibrated, 
“I new massage from Junet.Eblaz” – 
“in, ak susulen, ak ddpen gang rumahnya nino”
Ge Je arek Iki, Minta jemput di depan Gang rumahnya nino, lah sms nino khan bisa.

Mbumbut : “ancen Eblaz, ga Praktis”

I sent him a massage “minta jemput nino ae” en bla bla bla (red:ga ngerti terusane nasipe Eblaz di pinggir jalan..)..

Berangkatlah diriQuw (+Mbumbut) kerumah nino, all along the way – we talk bout many things (couldn’t told u here)….en we both, absolutely Late..Mboh nyampe jam piro dirumah nino…

There wasn’t special activity we done..

We just talk about our daily life, our college, our weird adventure in the past that  we used to do together all along…our crazy activity we used to do…

Like usual, they could successfully strained  my stomach..WAKAKAKAKAKAKAK…

We were waitin for iqbal comin…(ga teko2 – yowes..),,

finally,…para makanan tak sabar untuk menampilkan dirinya…

tampil perdana, semangkuk (lebih) buah, langsung diserbu dengan tepukan tangan kami semua..

setoples (lebih) krupuk udang kecil2 (enak sekali) bersama dengan sebotol saus menyusul tampil setelah buah, dan langsung diteruskan oleh penampilan yang membius lidah kami, es jeruk(yang ini sumpah wenak, trust me..!!!)…hahahahahahh - ,its taste too sweet,there much sugar, yulis en I added mineral water…I stired it…en rasanya (honestly its bcame tasteless – hiyyaaaaayayayaya – yulis en I destroying those orange performance – jdi merasa bersalah)

*******ini..*****itu.. *****

Pembakaran is coming eat..
We went home

****how was my feeling…

I was soooooooooooooooooooooo excited,,
As mention……
Even I have sooo many things to do…
I would absolutely have a lot of leftover time to spent with them all..
I love our friendship…..

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