Senin, 01 November 2010

Undrikable Deionized water

Deionized water (DI water)....secara kasar berdasarkan namanya bisa di artikan "air yg sudah di de-ionisasi", jadi air jenis ini sudah tak mengandung ion2 lagi...ion2 tersebut biasanya berasal dari garam2 yang terlarut dalam air..misalnya ion Na+, Cl-, Mg2+ de el el...

metode permurnian air jenis ini, pemisahan didasarkan pada jenis muatannya..yaitu, dilewatkan resin yg secara selektif akan meretensi ion2.DI water tergolong air murni yang tidak mengandung ion2 sama sekali. tapi biasanya DI water masih mengandung bakteria atopun senyawa2 organik terlarut....bakteri atopun senyawa2 organik yang terlarut tentu saja tak bermuatan, jadi tak akan tertahan dalam resin...

karena hal tersebut..dan karena kemurnian DI water...dengan tidak sengaja (dan iseng) profesor saya memberikan 'homework'....yang judulnya:

"Why we cannot drink DI water?" - kenapa DI water tidak bisa kita minum-

______________________________dan inilah jawaban saya, yg hanya kukerjakan dalam 30 menit (lupa kalo ada tugas)...

Deionized (DI) water refers to water that had been treat to demineralized. Demineralization done by several methods, commonly used ion exchange resin which removal based on its charge or ions. Its means that all the inorganic matter dissolved in water had been removed. However, it is supposed that there still contain organic matter, so that it can be bad for human body to drink deionized water. Because it can be contain bacteria, or other organic compound that can’t be removed based on it charge. DI water is water that lack of mineral, its mean that if we drink this kind of water our body have no chance to have supply of mineral ,so that it is not good for our body.

The fundamental reason that DI water is undrinkable is related to its purities. DI water not contain any minerals, its tend to reach its balance, it will dissolve ion or even carbon dioxide readily. The purities of DI water also affected to its osmotic pressure. When we drink DI water, the osmotic pressure of water may not match with bloodstream or cells in our body. It can disturb the transportation in our cell. Our body contain of salt on its balance, to keep our body health, kill the bacteria because they can live in salinity environment and also help the transportation of nutrient together with bloodstream. When we drink DI water, the osmotic pressure different will be high, the salt transportation across the membrane will take place very fast, and it can cause lyses of our cells, which of course will kill cells. Kills many cells can affect to our healthy, we may have stomach ache, of even much worse pain if we consume too much DI water...


itu tugas 'iseng' dari desalination engineering class....

if u are Indonesian...en u need more information about DI water atau jenis - jenis air yg sehubungan dengab DI water....dalam bahasa punya banyak referensi...just contact me by email :
.:Indah Ar:.
email : /
Chemistry Department - Faculty of Science
University Of Brawijaya (UB)
Jl. Veteran Malang 65145 INDONESIA
School of  Environmental Science and Engineering
Gwanju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
1-oryong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwanju 500-715 SOUTH KOREA

2 komentar:

indbongolz mengatakan...

setelah kubaca2 lagi artikel ini....
my English was soooo Indonesian......

leshya mengatakan...

ndaaaah bru mmpir skr k blog mu..."wooooooooooooowww owke"
1 kalimat..

"anda produktive sekali dik"

n 1 kata..

n 1 wish..
"can be great like u :)"

btuh bhn2 bwt bhas toc n tn di ppcp dunk ;p(wew gw ngerepotin bgt)....nuhun saencanna..:)