2010 august 31th (this is korean style)...
the day 4 @ GIST...
my first day to met Indonesian in GIST..Gwanju City...they were sooooo kind..(of course)...we seems like a broter en sister..though we never met each other before...we are one..we are INDONESIAN...and we are moeslem..the minor community in the south part of South Korea..
for me......i can describe my feeling now...its kinda more than just "happy"...i found a rich tresure in the jungle of "south korea"...and i was soo surprise knowing that they had wait for 2 Indonesian arrival in this city, and my friend...they already look for us...the day after our departure from!!
ALhamduillah Allah...finally...i found INDONESIAN ISLAMIC Community...finally..after this 4 days in the jungle of Gwanju city..i found ISLAMIC COMMUNITY..not only Indonesian, but also Pakistanist, indian, bangladesh, Egypt, en other africa islamic new community...i wish i can contribute more...though i'm the youngest now...
they gave me many information for halal product in this 'jungle' city of Gwanju...
they teach me how to apply a master program in the korean university...
they told me bout some coursework typical in my department..
they show me the way how to mail our equipment...
they give advice how to made ur over-weight baggage free from charge..
(the peculiar way..its made me laugh out loud..NGAKAK..wakakakkakak..!!!)
they teach me korean common conversation..(walopun saya agak ga nyambung..)...
en the most important part..they made me stronger..i got save-feelin..indirectly...they said...
"u are not alone"
we claimed our selves "Gwangjuerz" --> Indonesian in Gwanju City
they plan to go to KBRI in seoul for Sholat Ied..(pengen)..
they plan to held halal bihalal for all the Gwanjuers..(semoga terlaksana)..
and we plane to make "kue lebaran...khas dari Indonesia.."
i'm the youngest among them all..
but someday..i wish i can be the older..
to be like them,giving save-feelin to another Indonesian who just coming to Gwanju to Study..
[caption id="attachment_52" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Buber@mbak Dyan Family Dorm@GIST"][/caption]
2 komentar:
Aku bener bener pengen kaya Kakak!
kesini ajah......
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