Eco Friendly Technology and Policy on Industrial and Regional Planning for Mitigation of CLimate change..
Its was a topic of this seminar..
hmmm...concerning about environment had been being our compulsory to save our earth. Whatever we can do,just do it as long as it would be save the environmen. We had to make avery endeavor to save our beloved earth, en it could be done by simple thing from our commonly activity...
(inspired by Yann Brault,First keynote speaker, France-Danone)
Basic science seminar was one of the moment for scientist to share an communicate their research to develop en also look for a solving for national crisis…(there so many “genius-looking” man and women )…..
what a wonderful that i and my team had a chance to attend this great national seminar...
( if u think that this is an ordinary seminar,u’re absolutely wrong!!!)
en i never imagine before, me and my team stand among our great lecturers all along to being participants, even we had a chance to present our “small” research along with them...
this seminar was succcesfully pump up my spirit, it had been succesfully dazzling me when the first time i entered to the hall that most of the participants was a lecturer and researcher, who is (of course) advance in their dicipline...en what a surprizing that most of them coming from out of east java, even out of java island...(Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....they were looks great)
the first keynote speaker was Yann Brault, who is office supervisor of DANONE indonesia from France...he told about how we were destroying our environment and contributed in increasing Carbon dioxide footprint in our environtment only by our simple activity, such as "drinking a water in small bottle,(hiyyaaaa), i never suppose before (thank you, u was succesfully made me realize, Sir!!!)"
he looks awesome by his fluent indonesian speaking, en i like his way to told us, what a simple things that we can do to save our earth...
all along his presentation, it was really inspiring me,to make avery endeavor to save the earth...
by his presentation, it just give me some other way to my long-term objective...
but, all along his presentation, its also remain me bout some place where i ever belong over there for 3 month...where i always seeing a big poster inscribed with "Sustainable development", and also "envoronmental policy, included..bla..bla..bla"...en thats all, in a reality, of course they still give priority to their purpose - economical purpose for their benefit...
However,those place gave me so many valuable experience that I never found in college..I must be thankfull..
The second en third keynote speaker were an engineer from BPPT and government institution…
They both told us bout alternative energy..the first,describing bout Coal energy which is might be being the cheaphest powerfull energy,but its caused terrible effect to the environtment..
En yups..!!! the conclution,we were scientist had to found its solving..
the latter,present bout alternative energy from agricultural waste,we can used cassava, palm oil shell, en baggase to producing an alternative anergy.. (this case remain me bout my prend final project,using baggase as carbon active,then impregnate with TiO2 and apply for fotocatalyst – honestly I do really interest to ur research prend,”TiO2 Nano-catalyst”,bukan yaaaa…hehe)..
But, to realize all of those idea to producing alternative energy,there some technical problem, the supporting system like transportation en produsing procces might poduce another pollution(nah lhooo)..en the proccess it self technically was really expensive when it applied on out of java island (for example:one of the participant said that in ternate, fuel price per litre almost ten thousand rupiahs,so although those simple thing could be done by unskilled farmer,its too expensive to made it operate). Like I said before,this seminar is a moment for indonesian scientist to share everything for developing our country,..en once,the latter case also ask us scientist to propose some solving..hoho..
Fourth en fifth keynote speaker were a foreigner, they hardly spoke in indonesia..well,the english of the first speaker quite clear..we're well understood what he was talk about..en he was so funny,by his gesture,his way to speak when his time almost over..he is profesor atstushi from nagasaki university - japan (weeee..Nagasaki..terkenal ni kota di buku IPS ku dulu.hehe)
-i'm underlining of his speech,
Increasing marine temperature,only by two degrees higher its causing a giant damage for marine ecosystem,en the second,acidify the marine caused a big damage on marine live skeleton..en how bout human who live near the beach?? .. direct or not, its also take some effect, so?????
(we should propose for this..!!!)
The fifth keynote speaker was Mr.Malcolm from national university of canberra,aus-tra-lia, (hehe)..
Nah yg ini ni..he present bout enzymatic synthesize of some drugs..
All that I can said "opo iku?? – – there big question mark above my head ".the slide full of organic molecule structure that was sooooo complicated for me,though name of those compound seems familiar..
WOW..!!!!..I didn't understand what he told us about, it just impose my eyes to see the slide only-not-more-than-ten-minutes..luckily,Mr.Sasangka,-our beloved chairman of Chemistry department, Brawijaya University- explained us bout those 'really complicated' synthetic pathway..(trust me!!! its will be sooooo complicated to do,ruwet pol wes pokok’e,harus wajib mencintai kimia organik dengan sepenuh hati untuk bisa melakukan tu sintesis, soulmate-an ma fessenden I en II, salam satu jiwa wes pokoknya ma organik, ckckckkckck),additional information from Mr. Sasangka: BaPak Malcolm ini Pembimbingnya Pak Mashruri Lho….
(Waw..waw...PBL organik 4 SKS bersama Bapak Mashrusi,sudah ampun2, palagi ma Pak Malcolm ini)
After this sesion,time for us to had lunch,(makanannya enak sumpeh, ikannya banyak en enak2, pengeng ambil 2 buat dkosan, but it would be embrasing,kotaknya gedhe,heheh – yang paling nyesel pas ada coffee break, nyesel ga ambil 5 kotak,kuenya wenak…)
Setelah sesi makan2 tibalah saatnya…(jreng..jreng..) รจ sesi poster yang dilanjutin ama seminar paralel…disesi seminar paralel inilah Qta bertujuh dipisah2..untuk presentasi tentang penelitian Qta masing - masing…Nah, daku kebagian di kelompok Lingkungan B1 (nyasar iki..)..only me included in this group…!!!
The room were located on MIPA building-block, exacly at MP 1.3 room.. when I ented the room, there some man and women . . . after few minutes, it was clear that most of them were a lecturer (yang paling heboh dosen dari fisika F.Saintek Unair..sangar en energik banget orangnya)..and the other were reseacher from some institution…(merasa smakin nyasar dah)…I imagine that when the moderator call my name, then I stand up, I worried that the moderator would say “nak, bukan arena bermain ini..!!!!” – its only in my
Overall,we done our presentation well..
Aproximately at 4 o’clock - we turn back to the widyaloka hall for closing ceremony..
The closing ceremony was sooooo peculiar, but all of the participant seems really excited…
it was really fun…!!!
In the end, we ask Mr. Trois to took a picture of us for “some-freak-purpose”…haha..(tapi pak Trois-nya, mau ajah,,Thanks a lot dah..!!)
I’ve not enough vocabulary to said how excited I was that day…!!!
Its one of the impresive day for me…(since I’ve been in university..)
Ga rugi – Para Bapak Ibu Dosen Spending Much money just to attend “a seminar”…
There a lot of new valuable information en experience – a lot of inspiration …
En Finally..
we would like to thanked to our beloved counselor,Mr Akhmad Sabarudin, for his fully support of our “final project”…the one who made us possible to attend this great seminar…ur kindly leads en guide us to do the right things…
(thanks for ur kindly smile that u gave to us when we do something silly(hehe..=(^_^)= ), thanks for ur patient Sir..!!!)
Our Second acknowledgement, to Mr. Darwin, especially untuk kasurnya yg empuk dan nyaman – kami tak akan betah bermalam diLab without ur soft-bed(wakakakkakakak)..thanks for lent us the key to “the bath”(maksudnyaaaaaaaaaaa?????)
En the Last, we’re thanking to beloved instrument equipped with LCD-computer that faithfully accompany Us to “ngeLab” (hiiyyyaaaa,Yoooo mesti ae…)
1 komentar:
bahasa inggrisnya sooo much Indonesia~
dan judulnya alay abies~
*tahun berapa sih ini~
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